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Gandusha - Ayurveda: Things You Need to Know

Gandusha Kerala Ayurveda Therapy Bangalore India

Gandusha kriya is one of the popular Ayurvedic practises that is also known as oil pulling. It’s an age old practice and is said to have a wide range of health benefits. Gandusha kriya can often be referred to as Kavala. In this, a small amount of oil is used for garling. Gandusha in Ayurveda involves the entire mouth being filled with a large quantity of oil that has to be gargled before being spit out. However, Kavala is a process in which the oil has some space to move inside your mouth, due to its smaller quantity.

Gandusha Types and How to Perform Gandusha

Here are a few types of Gandusha kriya that one can practise:

  • Snigdha or Snehana Gandusha uses herbal oils to help nourish and lubricate the oral cavity.
  • Shamana Gandusha kriya can help manage various dental problems.
  • Shodhana Gandusha uses different substances to cleanse the oral cavity.

Moving further, doing Gandusha kriya is easy. To practise, you can refer to the following steps:

  • Wake up early in the morning and start this practice before eating anything.
  • Keep the prescribed oil in your mouth for some time.
  • Swish the oil around your teeth, gums, mouth, tongue, and all sides of your mouth.
  • After doing this for two to three minutes, you can spit the oil out.
  • To end, rinse your mouth with clean water.

Gandusha/kabala kriya can help balance the affected doshas by optimising the individual’s sensory and motor nerve conductivity. Another one of the Gandusha benefits is that it can help remove toxins and stabilise the digestive function. Additionally, the process is ideally done on a warm and hot day, inside a room, away from the wind.

Also, for an extensive version of the Gandusha kriya, you can start off with a mild shoulder and neck massage to loosen up the area. After that, the face is tilted slightly upwards and the oil is poured directly into the oral cavity.

While doing Gandusha kirya, make sure to not swallow the oil.

Benefits of Gandusha Kriya

As Ayurveda suggests, Gandusha is advisable in case of diseases that may affect the eyes, ears, teeth, gums, tongue, the inner lining of the mouth, paranasal sinuses, stiff muscles around the neck and shoulders, drowsiness, low appetite, dryness of mouth, etc.

The substances that can be used for Gandusha are honey, milk, suitable ghee, or prescribed oils. Speaking of the benefits of Gandusha, it can help improve, manage and maintain oral and dental health, can enhance skin quality, bring a natural glow to your face - helping you age gracefully, cleanse your nose, ear, throat and the pathways linked to them. Additionally, it may also help improve voice quality and stability.

For better results, and a comfortable experience, you can follow these tips:

  • Don’t swish forcefully, gentle swishing is enough.
  • Make sure to not swallow the oil solution.
  • Before you spit out the oil, wait for it to be utilised completely. Spit it out only when you know it can not be held any longer. In such cases, your eyes may also start watering. This is when it’s best to spit out.
  • After spitting out the oil, don’t rinse your mouth immediately. Wait for nearly thirty minutes.

Moving further, we can say that Gandusha kriya is a healthy practice that can help maintain a good oral health and keep blood flow healthy towards the face. Before starting regular practice, it’d be advisable to consult a professional Ayruvedic doctor to find out the right oil for yourself, and other intricacies that may vary based on your specific health.


1. Should I practice Gandusha daily?

Gandusha practice involves exposing teeth and gums to natural oil; therefore, you can practice it once daily. However, ensure that you don’t go overboard and do it multiple times a day.

2. Does oil pulling really work for detoxification?

Yes. Oil Pulling is a Vedic practice that has been around for thousands of years and it helps in the natural cleansing of the mouth, maintains breath odour, and enhances the strength of the teeth. A study conducted by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) encourages oil pulling as it generates antioxidants required to keep the bacteria in check.

3. Is oil pulling harmful?

Oil Pulling or Gandusha is not harmful. If you are unsure about how to perform it, you can consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for guidance.

4. What are the side effects of oil pulling?

It’s a well-known fact that oil pulling or Gandusha offers exceptional benefits. However, as per Ayurveda, it's not free from side effects. If you swallow the oil, it can cause stomach discomfort and diarrhoea because of the toxins from the mouth and the upper respiratory system. Initially, you may experience sore jaw and headache due to swishing and even tooth sensitivity.

5. Does oil pulling actually work?

Oil pulling or Gandusha is a proven technique followed for centuries that offers numerous benefits. While it’s well-known to promote oral health, it can help you deal with various eye problems, helps with paranasal sinuses and migraines among others. It also helps maintain the natural glow of your skin and also helps keep your voice naturally clear while clearing your ears, nose, and throat airways.

Looking for an experienced Gandusha expert? Reach out to us at Ayurvedagram to know more.
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