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Elakizhi Ayurvedic Treatment at Ayurvedagram

Elakizhi Lepam Kerala Ayurveda Therapy Bangalore India

Kizhi is a massage therapy offered for the treatment of problems associated with muscles, bones and joints. Speaking of Elakizhi, ela refers to leaves and kizhi is the term used for bolus (potli). The process involves the use of leaves fried in a herbal oil and tied to a linen cloth that helps form the potli. The massage is carried out using these potlis, natural herbal ingredients, and is known to be very effective.

Elakizhi is usually considered to be a part of the Panchakarma treatment. The leaves of the plants involved are said to have vata optimising properties and are used to make the thick bag (bolus). Elakizhi treatment has recently been gaining popularity for being safe and effective.

Elakizhi Ayurveda: Procedure

Elakizhi or kizhi massage in Ayurveda is said to be highly rejuvenating. The doctor performing the massage uses leaves fried in herbal oils. These leaves are then tied to a linen cloth forming a pouch. The massage process is carried out with these pouches.

Speaking of the ingredients involved, here’s a brief list:

  • Eranda (Ricinus communis)
  • Arka (calotropis procera)
  • Nirgundi (vitex negundo)
  • Rasna (pluchea lanceolata)
  • Coconut scrapings
  • Lemon
  • Curcumin

Apart from these ingredients, the process may also involve medicated oils such as Murivenna oil, karpooradi oil, sahacharadi oil, or dhanwantharam thailam. The choice of oil may be subject to the particular health concerns that a person is dealing with.

To commence the process, the practitioner will apply the suited herbal oil over the entire body. This will be followed by a massage using heated boluses. This can help induce profuse sudation. This can help with the detoxification process.

The working concept of this process is to let the body sweat more and more through a series of soft massages over the affected area. Eventually, this sweating may be able to relieve the person of the toxins that might have accumulated over a long period of time.

Also, the leaves used for the process are said to have positive, healing effects on the body, helping it with nourishment and easing down any swellings or inflammatory conditions.

Kizhi treatment in Ayurveda may also turn out to be an effective back pain treatment in Bangalore.

Elakizhi Benefits

Speaking of benefits, Elakizhi treatment is primarily known to help manage back pain, and eliminate a variety of toxins from the body. As mentioned in the sections above, this detox process is kindled through massage therapy which involves the potlis packed with fried herbal leaves and medicated oils.

Additionally, Elakizhi is said to be effective towards health concerns such as arthritis, spondylitis, back pain, sports injuries and for all other soft tissue inflammations, especially joint pains.

The massage process helps improve and optimise blood circulation and perspiration, which helps commence the detox process.

How to Undergo Elakizhi Massage?

Elakizhi is a professional Ayurvedic massage treatment that can and should be provided only by a professional Ayurvedic practitioner. The Ayurvedagram retreat in Bangalore is one of your best options for back pain massage in Bangalore and Nationwide. Our staff includes some of the most senior Ayurvedic practitioners, holding years of experience and showcasing top-notch precision in the Ayurvedic treatments that they offer.

So, whether you visit us for Elakizhi or a comprehensive Panchakarma treatment, you’ll get the treatment that is most suitable for you.

For details, give us a call or write to us.


1. Does Elakizhi treatment really work?

Yes, Elakizhi treatment works efficiently to alleviate joint pains, back pain, sports injuries, and arthritis. The pain alleviates when you take adequate rest after treatment. The Vata pacifying properties of the fresh leaves reduce inflammation of soft tissues and relax the muscles through proper circulation. Besides, you will get younger-looking skin with the therapy by promoting blood circulation that helps eliminate toxins from your body. The Ayurvedic massage is also a good remedy for people who have paralysis. It improves their motor and sensory functions.

2. Does Elakizhi treatment have any side effects?

No. Elakizhi treatment does not cause any specific side effects as it is done using totally natural ingredients and herbs. There are chances of superficial burns only when an overheated bolus is used during the massage. The therapy is not recommended to diabetic patients and pregnant women. Also, if you are allergic to any medicinal plant, make sure you inform an Ayurvedic practitioner before the treatment to prevent any further side effects.

3. How do I need to prepare before my Elakizhi massage?

First, relax your muscles before the treatment begins. Your Ayurvedic therapist will ask you to either sit or lie down, depending upon the area of concern. Do not forget to keep a blanket handy that you will need to cover up yourself to induce perspiration after massage. Alternatively, your Ayurvedic therapist can prepare a herbal steam bath for you.

4. What is the difference between Kizhi and Elakizhi?

Elakizhi is one of the types of Ayurvedic Kizhi treatment. Kizhi consists of various types of therapies recommended for different health conditions, such as Marma Kizhi, Njavara Kizhi or Shashtika Pinda Sweda. Thus, Kizhi is actually an umbrella term. However, all these therapies, including Elakizhi, have a similar process of using heated medicinal bolus for massaging and managing soft tissue inflammation.

5. What are the things included in this package?

This package at Ayurvedagram includes a complete Elakizhi massage session of 45 minutes and aftercare to achieve maximum relief. The bolus prepared with fresh leaves and medicinal herbs is part of this package. Also, an Ayurvedic practitioner will use medicinal oil suitable for your health problem and dosha. A patient will either be given a herbal steam bath or warm blanket to induce sweating after the therapy. Lastly, a therapist will prepare a hot shower to complete the treatment process.

Reach out to us to know more.

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