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Ayurvedagram Bangalore


Ayurvedic Treatment for Hypertension

Ayurveda Treatment for Hypertension Bangalore India

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension is blood pressure above the normal range and is expected in a particular age group. It may be of unknown cause and may also result of kidney disorder, hormone disturbance or narrowing of the blood vessels. Hypertension is indication of high blood pressure and relates to the pumping pressure of the heart. The cause for high blood pressure could be cumulative i.e., it can be noticed only after many years, or it can occur due to other factors like health problems, medications etc. Several other factors or symptoms that can associate with hypertension are obesity, head ache, stress, aging or kidney disease. A person with hypertension can experience headaches, fatigue, chest pain or lung problems. If proper treatment is not administered at the right time, then it can lead to complications like stroke, heart disease or kidney failure. High BP can be seen in young age group right from the age of 25 and in adults. It can be seen during pregnancy too.

Ayurveda for Hypertension:

Ayurveda is a natural way of dealing with hypertension. Including food with soluble fibre and avoiding food containing saturated fat in the diet is one of the best ways to control high BP. Regular exercise and yoga therapy helps in maintaining proper blood pressure. Yogasanas like camel pose, corpse pose and breathing exercises like pranayama help calming the mind. Home remedies and herbal remedies also help in managing high BP.

Treatment for Hypertension at Ayurvedagram:

Classic therapies like Shirobhyanga and Shirodhara lower the blood pressure to a large extent. Staying calm with the help of oral medication, soothing massages, yoga, relaxation techniques, leisure and laughter usually bring down the elevated blood pressure.

More Information:

The risk factors for hypertension are modern lifestyle, smoking, high cholesterol or diabetes. Management of hypertension is extremely important.

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