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Obesity and Related Problems

Ayurvedic treatment for obesity Ayurvedic weight loss treatment India

Obesity is a health condition that may involve an excessive amount of fat. Additionally, it’s crucial to note that it is not an especially cosmetic concern, but a deeper health concern that can negatively impact your day-to-day life in numerous ways.

Speaking of how it can make life challenging, here’s a list of symptoms and ill-effects that it may give rise to:

  • High blood pressure
  • High LDL cholesterol levels, low HDL cholesterol levels, or high levels of triglycerides (Dyslipidemia)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Heart stroke
  • Gallbladder disease.
  • Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)

Apart from that, it also leads to lack of stamina, affecting the overall respiratory health and people dealing with it may find it difficult to carry out day-to-day tasks.

What is obesity?

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder of the modern age. It is characterized by an excess accumulation of fat in the body. Continuous indulgence in high fat, fried foods, along with a sedentary lifestyle results in excessive fat getting blocked in various body channels. Obesity, in turn, causes a number of metabolic disturbances such as hypertension, diabetes, irregular digestion, etc. It can affect social life too. Overweight, if not controlled, can lead to obesity.

Are you obese?

Obesity is a condition when the BMI (Body Mass Index) of a person lies above 30. Just take the ratio of body weight (in kgs) and the square of the person’s height (in mts) to get the BMI. BMI of 25 to 29.9 indicates that the person is overweight and it is better to exercise proper measures for weight loss and health maintenance at this stage. BMI of 30 and above indicates obesity.

Ayurvedic Plants / Herbs to control Obesity:

Triphala, Brahmi and Garcinia cambogia are a few of the many medicinal plants that help in weight reduction. Easily obtainable fresh curry leaves, turmeric, mint and spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper are found to be very beneficial. Guggul, a gum resin made from the Commiphora mukul tree, is a well-known natural substance, once appropriately purified and processed can treat disorders of fat metabolism. Studies have shown that it can break down fat cells. Kalonji or black cumin and Vijaysar (Kino tree) are other well-known herbs used for Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss.

Guggul, a gum resin made from the Commiphora mukul tree, is a well-known natural substance, once appropriately purified and processed can treat disorders of fat metabolism. Studies have shown that it can break down fat cells. Kalonji or black cumin and Vijaysar (Kino tree) are other well-known herbs used for obesity treatment in Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Plants/Herbs to Manage Obesity:

If you are looking for ayurveda treatment for weight loss, ayurvedic herbs, plants and ayurvedic weight loss remedies, triphala, garcinia cambogia and brahmi are known for their medicinal properties that may help manage obesity.

Additionally, guggul is a gum resin made from Commiphora Mukul tree and is one of the ayurvedic herbs for weight loss. It is another popular substance that is known for its supreme medicinal properties and fat management benefits. It’s also said that this herb can help cut down excess fat and treat fat metabolism related disorders.

Ayurvedic Practises that can help Manage Obesity

Obesity is mostly a challenging health concern, and people dealing with it may often start looking for an Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss. If you too are in the same boat, or are looking for such solutions to help a friend or a loved one, here is some good news. The world of Ayurveda has a few Ayurvedic practises that may help one manage obesity.

For details, here’s a list of those practises:

  • Fasting: While fasting may often be linked with religious beliefs, it serves other purposes also. As during fasting we are supposed to cut down our food consumption, it helps minimise the calorie intake, while the body will still be burning some calories in one way or another. However, make sure to avoid frequent fasting for long hours. It may lead to dehydration and lack of nutrition.

  • Lower Your Calorie Consumption: While it’s not advisable to eliminate all carbohydrates or fats from your diet, in order to manage obesity one may want to lower the overall calorie intake.

    For better management, one can consider keeping a calorie count with respect to their respective diet.

  • Practice Yoga and Pranayama: Yoga and pranayama are among the most effective Ayurvedic methods of losing and maintaining weight. There are a number of yoga asanas that can help with weight management and obesity.

    Apart from that, pranayamas are known for their positive impacts on the overall stamina, and may help encourage a thorough cleansing of the respiratory system.

  • Maintain a healthy routine: Another reason behind obesity is the disturbed sleep cycle and routine. First of all, such habits may encourage individuals to consume more calories throughout the day. Secondly, a disturbed routine can disturb the digestive cycle and health, leading to indigestion, constipation, and several other inconveniences.

  • Avoid high carbohydrate vegetables: High carbohydrate vegetables such as potatoes, corn, etc can add significantly to your obese condition. For this reason, it’s crucial to avoid consuming or at least minimise the consumption of these veggies. Additionally, it’s also advisable to avoid rice while dealing with obesity.

Moving further obesity treatment in Ayurveda can also include more options. Many of those have been mentioned below.

Weight Management in Ayurveda and Tips to Follow:

1. Avoiding rice, refined wheat flour, and fat-rich food including milk products such as paneer, cheese, butter can be a part of a healthy Ayurvedic weight management. The natural way of weight management is the best way to shed excess fat in the body.

2. Eat when hungry and learn to stop eating once the body indicates so.

3. Avoid eating snacks in-between meals as most snacks are unhealthy and can lead to weight gain. When hungry, it is better to eat fruits or nuts like badam (almond), which are healthy.Also, you can add an ayurvedic medicine for obesity to your daily dosage.

4. Following a regular routine for waking up, going to sleep, having food (especially practising an early and light dinner), and a regimented physical activity will help the body’s metabolism to be optimal

5. A deep and sound sleep of 6 to 8 hours helps to refresh the body and allows for effective metabolism.

Additionally, one can also consider consuming weight loss medicines in Ayurveda. Considering Ayurveda for weight loss can help you significantly improve your overall health.

If you have been wondering how to lose weight by ayurveda, there can be a world of ways. Ayurvedic treatments and medicines mentioned on this page are some of the effective methods. Hope this helps you pick what’s best for you.


1. Which Ayurvedic treatment is best for weight loss?

If you’re looking for an effective weight management program that helps you maintain your optimal weight, then Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss is your best option. An experienced Ayurvedic physician will help you find out the best Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss that is suitable for your body type and this can help you achieve a healthy body.

2. Are Ayurvedic diets healthy?

YYes! Since an Ayurvedic diet revolves around whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and natural fats, it is quite healthy for anyone who follows it. As part of the Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss, you will have a restricted intake of processed foods which will be followed by exercise, yoga, and meditation. Ayurvedic diets can help encourage your overall wellness and help you become healthier.

3. Can teenagers follow an Ayurvedic diet to lose weight?

An Ayurvedic diet revolves around whole foods, which include grains, protein, vegetables, fruits and some dairy products in adequate quantities. It is great for teenagers as an Ayurvedic diet requires adequate consumption of food and does not involve starving or excessive consumption of food. Along with following an Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss, you can inculcate exercise, yoga, and meditation as well.

4. How can I lose weight in 7 days naturally?

ILosing weight is not a quick process and an Ayurvedic weight loss program isn’t completely focused on that one aspect. An Ayurvedic weight loss treatment involves the consumption of a good diet, Yoga, and Ayurvedic massages with herbal therapies and plant-based ingredients. You can observe changes in your body within a week following the treatment.

5. How can I lose belly fat?

You can get rid of excess belly fat by undergoing Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss and making specific dietary and lifestyle changes mentioned in Ayurveda. Eating smaller meals with a gap of at least 3 hours, including fruits and vegetables in the diet, consuming low-calorie meals, and drinking a glass of lukewarm water mixed with lime and honey on an empty stomach will aid in belly fat loss.

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